onsdag den 28. marts 2012

Sjove finske ord :)

Listen opdateres løbende, og ordene er nok sjovest hvis man selv er dansker (derfor skriver jeg også denne blog på dansk, andet ville være underligt)

Efter man har læst listen, så skulle det vist ikke være nogen overraskelse at jeg smågriner op til flere gange om dagen når jeg høre folk snakke finsk ;)
  • Kysymys (spørgsmål) = lyder lidt som at folk siger “kissemisse
  • Tietokone (computer) = lyder lidt som at folk siger “tissekone”. Tieto betyder viden og kone betyder maskine, så på dansk ville det blive direkte oversat til "vidensmaskine"... Generelt så kan finnerne godt lide at putte ord sammen for derefter at skabe nye ord.
  • Myös (også) = fordi det får mig til at tænke på myseost og fordi at jeg altid glemmer den rigtige betydning af ordet
  • Joulupukki (julemand) = den direkte oversættelse vil være noget henad “jule ged
  • Maanantai (mandag) = man skulle tro at “tai” betød “dag”, da alle dage undtagen onsdag ender på “tai”.. Men nej, “dag” på finsk hedder i stedet “päivä
  • Sisu (mod) = et meget komplekst ord for “mod”, som betyder meget mere end bare mod. Selv finnerne har svært ved at forklare det.
  • Kynsilaukka (hvidløg) = det er et gammelt ord for hvidløg. Kynsi betyder “negl” og jeg ved ikke hvad “laukka” betyder
  • Nyt (nu) = Fordi jeg hele tiden forveksler det med det danske ord, hvilken vil give en evt. sætning en helt anden betydning
  • Kun (når) = Også fordi jeg hele tiden forveksler det med det danske ord, hvilken vil give en evt. sætning en helt anden betydning

  • Ville (finsk navn, forkortelse af William) = Jeg kommer altid til at tænkte på det danske ord "ville"

  • Rakas (darling) = Bare fordi jeg kommer til at smile hver gang jeg høre ordet, da jeg ved det betyder noget godt.

  • Enkeli (engel) = Jeg kommer altid til at tænke på det danske ord "enke".

  • Kieli (tunge / sprog) = fordi det betyder to forskellige ting i henhold til hvilken sammenhæng man bruger det. Jeg kan godt se logikken i betydningen af "kieli", men det er stadig sjovt. 

  • Hän (he/she) = på finsk har man kun et pronomen til at beskrive begge køn, så når de taler om en person så omtaler de mere eller mindre personen som "den". Jeg har hørt fra mine finske venner at det kan skabe problemer i en samtale, da man aldrig ved om de taler om en hun eller han, hvis ikke de afslører navnet på personen. 

  • Apteekki (apotek) = Fordi det lyder sjovt. Samtidig, når finnerne "importere" et fremmedord og vil lave det mere finsk, så sætter de bare et "i" tilsidst. Andre eksempler er: poliisi, tomaatti, hotelli, posti og taksi.

mandag den 26. marts 2012

The last dance with the Finnish vampires

Wer mal Blut geleckt hat möchte mehr... 
So, dear reader.... If you were one of those who read my blog about my last visit to Seinäjoki, I am sure you only have one question: Is it really going to be that long again? The answer is: I will try to keep it very short... 
Furthermore, I have been keeping an eye on my last blog about the vampires. 
I suddenly had a storm of people on my blog from over 10 different countries!
So, I would hereby conclude that this musical indeed is very popular! But I am glad that my review got some readers, the whole team behind the musical deserves it and the actors/actresses deserves to get praise for their performances as well 
If you, dear reader, already have shaken your head in disbelief and given up on me, I would suggest that you stop reading now....
And if I actually did awake your curiosity then: tauchen Sie mit mir in die Dunkelheit ein...
Thoughts about last shows:
Anticipation! That word describe the feeling quite well when I woke up friday 23.03.12 still tired after my first experience of a “Sitsit” the day before (party, rules, costumes and alcohol). But, it was soon forgotten because this weekend, I should again experience the Finnish vampires. But, my anticipation was mixed with feelings of sadness because this would be the last performances. 
However, the sadness did not only come from knowing that it was my last change to see the musical. But also because I have seen how much fun the cast have had on the stage, how much the fans enjoyed the show and lastly also because the whole cast just are amazing (I really have to find another adjective than amazing, it seems like I misuse this word every time I speak about the Finnish vampires...)
Furthermore, those endorphins kicking in when seeing the show will no more have a source to come from, at least not before my planned visit to Berlin and the German vampires, but it is not going to be the same (concerning “endorphins”: read my blog “Thoughts on fans and fandom” if you do not know what I am talking about). 
To sum up my thoughts: The thing is, I have been to a couple of last shows in my time as a “musical fan” and I have a weird love/hate relationship with them.
On the one hand, one is really looking forward to see the show also knowing it is going to be something special and there might be some gags involved. 
On the other hand, going into the theatre knowing that this is the last time to see a fabulous show is just sad (1. Rule, remember kleenex if you have easy to tears... 2. Rule, even though you are excited about the show, please do not scream all the time, your neighbour might end up deaf...)
The shows:
Dear reader, I will try to make this short because I already wrote 6 pages in my last review. 
It should be no surprise that I again loved the show! If I could, I would hug the whole cast, just because it is easier than trying to describe how insanely good this production is and how fantastic the cast are as singers, actors/actresses, dancers and as vampires (and as professor).
Next, to make it very short, I found some of my favourite portrayals of the different characters in the Finnish production (even as a huge fan of the German version)
The favorites are:
  • Krolock: Jyri Lahtinen is now on the top together with Matthias Stockinger in competing to be my favourite. I really like them both! Jyri was really on fire again! I also again got the evilest chills running down my spine, I was more afraid than ever. But still, I actually shed a tear in Das unstillbare gier. Moreover, because of Jyri, I now also see myself only saying or writing the word “bat” (in any language) in quotation marks (One of the gags in the last show in the scene Vor dem Schloss) 
  • The Professor: It is so nice with a professor who seem more “real” and less” senile”. 
  • Alfred: I really never took that much notice of this character before I saw Ville Salonens portrayal of him. It was nice to see how Alfred develops during the show, from a insecure young man to a fierce vampire. In the song Für Sarah I was again smiling insanely and my heart did beat a lot faster. As I would say in German “Seine Stimme ist wie die aller erste Sahne” (In other words: his singing is really good)
  • Sarah: The Finnish Sarah simply just convince me completely!
  • Herbert: Never has Herbert been more “Herbert-like” than in the Finnish production!
  • Rebecca: because she is portrayed as a much stronger woman, she seems more real and sympathetic. 
  • Koukul: Just because he is awesome in the Finnish production!
A side note on biting: In my last review, I did comment on how well the ensemble (and vampire-Alfred) do in scaring the audience. In the very last show, I sat right on the edge on row two to the right.
I was mentally prepared to get scared, but as Koukul walks pass me for the first time, the only thing he needed to say was “boo” and I jumped in my seat. 
After the scene “Vor dem Schloss” I had a female vampire crawling on my seat doing the “vampire growl” (This time I only jumped a little).
I already knew that it was possible to have a vampire trying to scare me after the scene Ewigkeit and what a pleasant scare :) I had a male vampire biting my neck/ear while doing his vampire growl (the German vampires really should start biting their audience more, instead of only scaring them... Also, the Finnish vampires biting, scaring and growling also almost make up for the lack of blood). This male vampire was even much more gentle than the bite I got from Alfred at my last visit, here Alfred was very fierce and determinant. 
Speaking about bites and Alfred: In the last show, Alfred did not go along the aisle to bite people. This time he first took off his jacket, opened his shirt and “walked” through the audience by using the seats as steps while biting people. 
It had a nice effect (that he used the seats as step to walk through the audience, I will leave others to comment on his bare chest as I might not be the right one to do it. Not because it wasn’t pretty, I am just not that interested in the male-body...), but the only thing I could think was “please do not fall”!
The last show: I think that the very last show deserves some comments on its own as well. Even though some might describe me as a “newbie” to the Finnish vampires, it was weird going into the theatre, give your jacket to the nice people at the wardrobe, go up the stairs to the first floor and find your seat in the theatre for the very last time. 
The atmosphere was really great, both in the audience and up on stage and one could almost feel how everyone was sucking all details out of the show to remember them when the show was over.
The cast also made some few gags, which the audience found really great. I do not remember them all in the moment, but some of them were:
  • Alfred “vandalising” (looked like he was being a “bad” boy) the keyhole and door while trying to peek into Sarah's room
  • Krolock singing the first line in Einladung zum Ball in German
  • In Vor dem Schloss, Krolock made quotation marks with his hands when saying Ich las ihr Buch „Die Fledermaus“, genial! Ich war gefangen (along with a look of irritation). In the same scene, when Krolock was putting Alfred under his spell, Alfred was at first not that keen to follow, but in the end he did, but more confident than charmed.
  • After Carpe Noctem, Koukul came not with the usual breakfast but with a big three layered cake (order from Herbert it seemed, who appeared quickly on the side of the stage to see how his cake was received by Alfred)
  • In der Gruft both Krolock and Herbert was sleeping with a teddy bear (I heard, I could not see it from where I sat, I just heard the laugther).
  • Vampire-Alfred suddenly taking off his jacket and opening his shirt to leaver the room using the seats as steps. 
At the end after a standing ovation and a lot of clapping, it was time for the fans to perform our surprise for the cast. The surprise was a “thank you” song (Kiitos laulu), and luckily we had one among us who was so nice to write the song and play the guitar.
After the clapping, all the fans gathered at the right aisle and then it was showtime (dear reader, I do not know if you can imagine that we all were a bit nervous? Singing in front of all those great singers?! But we just hoped that they would be appreciate our try...).
It went well, and I think that the cast liked our song even though we were not professional singers(!). There is also a video of it, and I did see at least one cast member who dried a tear away and all the others had a big smile on their face. See a link to the song here.
After our song, the cast was so nice to stay a while so we could take photos (see the link I posted in the beginning) and I think every fan captured some nice memories.
Then the last show was over and the fans went to a restaurant to talk, eat and drink for a couple of hours before going to bed. After that point, I really did need some sleep after all the anticipation.
Last comments:
Well, we are at the end now... Both on my blog entry and the adventure of the Finnish vampires!
Kiitos paljon, thank you, vielen dank, tusind tak, tack så mycket! I am trying to express my gratitude, I do not know if “thank you” in five different languages help but I do not know what else to say. I am glad that I made the journey to Seinäjoki and after 6 shows I am still enchanted :)
Again, I want to thank the whole team behind the musical and the amazing cast! I think you slowly get what I think of you!
I also want to thank those cast members who took some of their time out to talk and discuss a little bit at the stage door at my two visits to Seinäjoki, I am glad that some of you “managed” to read my last review and I am glad you liked it ;)
Also thanks to the fans and the group that I travelled with, you are also awesome. Thanks for speaking English, the translation and to include me in your group.
And do not feel too secure, the Dane will be back even though not to watch the vampires, then at least to see and hear some of the talented actors/actresses and singers again. Also even though I am moving back to Denmark in the end of may, I am confident that I will find a excuse to visit Finland again and again :)
My dear reader, I will end my adventure with the Finnish vampires and this blog with the finale from the musical (In German, because you cannot find the Finnish version on youtube) 

mandag den 19. marts 2012

Springtime? No....

And we thought spring had already arrived? It has not!
I woke up to the most beautiful weather. Hence, it snowed again :)
I love snow and I love that I almost have had 3 months of snow now!

The only thing which could remind one about spring is the temperature, which is much warmer than the minus 20 to 30 we had in February. Today we have had about minus 5.

søndag den 18. marts 2012

Thoughts on fans and fandom....

This is going to be a rather long blog about my thoughts about the above mentioned subject.
I just want people to think twice about the words “fandom” and “fans”, because these words sometimes have a negative attitude to them, which I think is a shame. 
However, I do get why, because everyone has seen some really far out scenes with fans going crazy, putting their idol on a pedestal, and moreover, many people do not know when to stop when they get into the “fan-mode”.
For the record, I do not judge any of those people I have met through my musical visits or other fans of something/someone and I really have met some awesome people through our common interests. 
Furthermore, this is not any analysis about myself or others that I already know. I merely just want to increase the knowledge about what might go on into the head of different fans.  
The chapters:
  • Introduction
  • Definition
  • Different approaches
    • Applying the approaches to fandom and fans
  • Celebrity Worship Syndrome (CWS)
  • Conclusion
  • Last comments
Everybody might have some sort of an addiction, something which take them out of their normal controlled “me, myself and I”. It can be difficult to understand for those who are not initiated. Furthermore, it can also be scary to watch someone in this “state” as a bystander and one never know if one should cry or laugh.
It can be many different things, small things and big things. It can be a person, a social occasion or just a regular tangible object. The common thing for all this, is that it might drive your emotions to the edge of your own controllability and it can be hard to control those feelings and its like that they almost slips away from you. Just as if you would try to hold water with you bare hands, eventually it slips away. 
So, to be sure we are at the same level when it comes to understanding the word “fan”, I will suggest some examples.
One could suggest that the word fan derives from the word “fanatic”. If one look up this word in the dictionary (Merriam Webster online dictionary) it propose that being fanatic is “marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion”. 
Fans like to gather in fan groups and they are often interested even in the smallest of things concerning their object of interest. The social aspect is often as important to the fan as the thing or the person they admire, because in the fan group they find other people with a common interest.
To summarise, a fan is a person which shows a lot of enthusiasm for something or somebody and they often engage in social activities with other fans.
Different approaches:
Firstly, one could explain it by what there is physical happening to your body, and particularly in your brain. 
When we experience something which is really good, our brain emits endorphins (also known as “happiness hormones”). They reduce pain and can induce euphoria, and a well known example is when one is having an orgasm. Other examples can be to perform sports, eating your favourite food or being in love (Stoppler, 2007)
Also, endorphins is something which is very hard to control and that is why it can be very hard to wean something from somebody, just think of people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.
Secondly, one can talk about how we as people construct the reality we are living in, e.g. what is a good fan and what is a bad fan? 
Here, I would like to introduce you to what one call “social constructionism”, it is a theory that indicates that everything in between two poles (like good or bad) is constructed through social processes. It is also a theory which question everything, because nothing is actually “real”, but just something which we as a country, society or as a group has constructed (Holliday, Hyde & Kullman, 2006)
Thirdly, one could pay attention to the notion within NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) which proposes that you have to“recognise that each person’s ‘truth’ is true for them even if it differs from your ‘truth’ – since any person's internal view of reality is just that – a ‘version’ of reality. ('The map is not the territory')”(Connolly, 2000-2012)
This notion suggests that one has to be careful when judging someone, because you would never understand an object or an obsession as an another person understands it. 
Lastly, one could also bring the social aspect into question. The need to gather in fan groups and to be together with other persons who understands your admiration. 
Applying the approaches to fandom:
So, should we blame someone for having a passion for something? Should we blame them for being honest with us and their feelings when they spill their guts to us? Should we be the judges of what is right or wrong?
I have engaged with many different kind of fans and I have seen both the difference on them when they pretend to be cool with the admiration of the thing or person and when the facade cracks and the feelings just rambles out of this fan. 
Firstly, the brains of these fans emits a huge amount of endorphins and they feel a rush of euphoria. This is something which is very difficult to control, and when one is in the middle of it, it feels so awesome. But the problem comes the next days, when these endorphins gets fewer and in the end disappear again leaving one yearning for more.
Secondly, in a fan-group they have their own understandings (social constructions) of what is “okay” to do and and not to do. These understandings can be miles away from e.g. the actors understanding of what is “okay” or the bystanders thoughts about the matter. 
Thirdly, one could suggest that it is important not to judge any fan too quickly or too hard, before you know more about the specific situation or “reality” of this person. 
One has to respect the other person, also if they in your opinion is too “extreme” or if the counterpart just is too “stupid” to understand your admiration with something or someone. 
One should not only tolerate each others differences, but one has to go into dialogue with each other. One has to see the world from another perspective, so one can get new ideas about one owns values and habits and “dialogue does not only call for tolerance, but also mutual respect” (Bauman cited in Jensen, 2005).
Lastly, the social aspect by gathering in groups create a feeling of “togetherness” and it is maybe a way of escaping form the dull and boring everyday life.
Celebrity Worship Syndrome (CWS):
This term is used to describe three different kind of relationships that a fan can have with a celebrity (Jingwen Zhang, 2010):
1. Entertainment-social: This isn't the insane territory yet. You enjoy being in the know about your celebrity and you like to discuss him/her with others who are fellow fans.

2. Intense-personal: You're in the yellow zone. When a tragic event happens to your star, you feel like it hit you personally. You have intense and personal feelings about the celebrity, and you think you might have a "bond" with him/her.
3. Borderline-pathological: Off to Never Land. The famous haunt your brain 24/7, and even if you want it to stop, you can't. You're living for that person now. If you're cut off from knowing about him/her, you might possibly die.
Personally, I think that fandom is somehow an abstract notion and it is difficult to say what it is, how to behave (and not to behave) and how to think about it. It is not just black and white, or good or bad. There are a lot of grey-zones in between.
But, I really do find the interaction between the fans, the fan and the thing/person they admire and the fans and the bystander quite interesting. There are so many things playing into this matter and so many different opinions on it.
This blog has given some examples on how to see and maybe understand fandom and fans better, and not to be too quickly to judge others just because they might seem as “extreme fans”.
But, on the other hand, one should also be careful not to end up in the so called “Borderline-pathological” level (or might even in the “intense personal”) scale of the CWS, because that is where it might can have a too big effect on your life. 
And lets face it, life is beautiful so better use it to the fullest than going about having an severe case of CWS.

Last comments:
In addition, just a little side note: If you have any kind of fans, please remember this: “There is a positive intention behind every action” (Connelly 2000-2012).
So even though you might find your fans tiresome and annoying, then remember that they (normally) do not behave like that to annoy you, but they admire your work and they just want some memories of the meeting or whatever the situation is (memories like an autograph, a picture or a little talk). Moreover, if you do find your fans utterly stupid and really annoying, then be nice when you try to get away from them ;) 
But, I acknowledge that necessity knows no law and a situation can get so unpleasant that you have to cut through and you can not be as nice as you would like to and that is okay! 
In my opinion, it also is necessary for a person with fans, to know his own boundaries and how much and what he wants to share with his fans. 
  • Adrian Holliday, Martin Hyde & John Kullman (2006): Intercultural Communication: An Advanced Resource Book, Routledge: London & New York, 120-146: Section B: Extension: Representation
  • Iben Jensen (2005): Grundbog i kulturforståelse, p. 9-25

fredag den 16. marts 2012


Selvom mit eventyr her i Finland er fantastisk, så savner jeg alligevel min familie!
Jeg savner dem fordi de simpelthen er den bedste, mest kærlige og støttende familie man kunne ønske sig. Det eneste der mangler var, at mine forældre var rige ;) Men selv uden penge, så vil jeg ALDRIG bytte dem.

Af hjertet tak og jeg glæder mig til at se jer alle sammen igen i slutningen af maj og være sammen med jer et par måneder inden jeg igen skal til Sønderborg for at færdigøre min bachelor.

tirsdag den 13. marts 2012

Google Translate...

Er efter snart 2,5 måned blevet utrolig gode venner med GT (google translate), eftersom der pludselig er mange statusser, beskeder og grupper på finsk... Jeg snakker i hvert fald med min ven GT mindst engang om dagen, og vi har har snart både grinet og grædt sammen... Dog er GT er en rigtig drillepind og elsker derfor ikke at oversætte diverse finske sætninger ordenligt.. Så bliver man altså engang imellem frustreret!

Samtidig så kan jeg stadig more mig over diverse finske navne, der er altså nogle sjove nogle ind imellem... Men set fra finske øjne, så har Danmark sikkert også en masse underlige navne. 

Jeg burde faktisk lave tysk grammatik i stedet for at sidde på min blog og på facebook...Derfor det stenede blog indlæg omkring GT ovenover, men det er sjovt som man laver overspringshandlinger hele tiden og udsætter ting. 
Så tror jeg vil lave mig noget mere te (kamille) og prøve at komme igang med tysk grammatik!

mandag den 12. marts 2012

Dance of the Vampires - this time in Finnish!

This review contains *spoilers*, so do not read it, if you still haven’t seen the show and are going to see it...
My experiences with the Finnish Vampires - 09.03.12 and 10.03.12
Dear reader, this is going to be very long(!) and I will try to divide it into smaller chapters, so you can read what interests you and skip other parts. 
The chapters are:
  • Background
  • Impression of the Musical
    • Finnish and me
    • The stage, sets, scenes and costumes
    • The characters
  • Last comments
As a big fan of the German production of the musical, I cannot avoid a comparison between the two. However, I am not going to try to make up my mind on which of the two versions I like the best, because I like both of them!

If you do not want to read the whole review I will give you the short version of what I think about the Finnish version of “Dance of the Vampires”  ------------------------------------------->

Some might have an addiction with drugs others with sports or food, but my addiction is crystal clear: musicals and especially the musical Dance of the VampiresI have seen the German version 12 times (one time in Oberhausen and 11 times in Stuttgart). 
Even though that I read a lot of reviews praising the Finnish version of Dance of the Vampires, I was still a bit nervous because I like the German production a lot. 
What if such a little theatre could not pull such a musical off and what if I did not like how the characters of the play were portrayed? 
Many things could have gone wrong (just think on the Broadway production...) and I was about to spend a lot of money on this musical (at least paying for musical tickets, train tickets and hotel is something which is not cheap when you are a student). 
My first plan was to see only one show (with a Finnish friend), but I then finally bought a ticket to one more show. 
After my first two shows I wanted more (Wer mal Blut geleckt hat möchte mehr) and luckily I got a ticket to the evening show on saturday as well. I sat in the back row from which I had a nice view over the scene. In my first two shows I sat in the first row, first to the right and then to the left 
As the next many praising words reveal, I am far from disappointed and I do not really now if this is a critical review anymore, or just a lot of praise rambling out of me. But I do think that they deserve it. 
If you, dear reader, once happen to meet me, you will find out that I am actually very much down to earth (and afraid of strangers and shy as well) and not screaming of excitement every third second (As it might seem in this review).
Impression of the musical:
There is one word which covers my overall impression quite well and that is WOW! 
The musical is so different but at the same time so amazing.
Finnish and me:
Unfortunately, as I am not fluent in Finnish I cannot comment on the translation, but I was told that it should be more or less directly translated from German to Finnish. 
As I know the German version by heart, it was not difficult to understand the lines and the small amount of lines I actually did understand sounds quite similar to the German version. 
But I had to get use to the actors talking and singing in Finnish, it just sounds weird when you are used to hearing them speak and sing in German. So in my first show, I had to giggle a bit for myself the first couple of minutes, which did that I ruined the first scene for myself, but luckily, I had at that point still two more shows to go.
Moreover, in the scene Knoblauch I thought I knew the only Finnish word for garlic, so I was mentally ready to sing along with the cast. 
But, to my surprise they did not sing Valkosipulia, but something else which I did not understand and I was a bit puzzled on why on earth they had changed such an important factor of the song. It was then later explained to me by my new Finnish acquaintances that they just sang another word for garlic (kynsilaukka), because it fits better to the song than Valkosipulia (I think it was explained to me that kynsilaukka is an older word and meant something connected to nails/claws?!)
The stage, scenes, sets and costumes:
Even though that the stage was small, it was not a problem for this production. 
The scenes, sets and costumes are really beautiful made and very detailed. It works really well! It also shows that other theatres should not be afraid of making this musical, because they do not feel they have the space (Yes, this is a hint do the Danish theatres...)
Moreover, they had new ideas to cope with the little space, and I like most of them which in my opinion works better than in the German production. 
My favourite scene which they completely re-renovated was the scene in the crypt. Wow, that is really an amazing set and it works so well. It is so nicely done with the crypt rising from the floor and that it is actually the real Krolock and Herbert who lies in their coffins (I love the moment when they sort of “wake up” after Alfred dropped the stake and the hammer)

Other scenes which I found really good too, was Das Gebet and Ewigkeit. 
In Das Gebet I have never been so emotional and the way the set was built it just made it more intimate and you can feel the doubt in Sarah whether running away or to stay with her family. So in that scene I do not miss the turning house from the German production. 
Ewigkeit was fabulous as well. I like the set with the graves and that some of the vampires came out from the wall as well. It looks so cool and the sounds effects from the graves are nice as well! Other sets and scenes which I also like are the castle and the library (that library actually looks like a real library). 
In Das Gebet and Carpe Noctem I like the fact that Sarah and Alfred are a part of their own dreams. Notably are the moments the two Alfreds have together in Carpe Noctem.
Because of the small stage and the fact that there is no orchestra in front of the stage, it all gets much more intimate. When you sit on the first row, you sit about one meter away from the actors when they stand at the edge of the scene. I would never have thought it would work, but it does! Even though I had to look up sometimes to see the faces of the actors and I do imagine that first row is no good if you have problems with your neck.
Furthermore, sitting so close to the action also gives you some weird urges such as clapping extra loud after every song while smiling or having a sad face (depending on the song and the mood of the character), comforting the character when he or she is sad and to dance with the vampires in the scenes of Das Gebet, Carpte Nochtem and Ewigkeit.
To specify, I do have these urges even when I sit on the back row, but they just somehow gets intensified by sitting in the first row (and I am glad that I cannot see myself during a show such as Dance of the Vampires, my facial expressions must look ridiculous sometimes...)
What also impressed me was how they had contact to the audience throughout the show. I have seen some very bad tries on breaking the fourth wall in other musicals and plays, but they do it very well in this musical. E.g. when the vampires tries to scare you, which they do a couple of times by jumping down the scene into the faces of the audience, bites them or just when they make their “vampire growl” into the faces of the audience. 
Another example is in the end of the musical when both Sarah and Alfred turns to vampires and leave the scene to walk out of the room by following the left and right aisle. 
Here, Alfred is literally eating his way out. In my third show, I suddenly more or less had Alfred on my lap, biting my neck while doing his vampire growl. That was a new experience(!) for me and I like the new wild side of vampire Alfred. 
Thinking of the scenes with Herbert and Alfred (wenn liebe in dir ist) and the scene where Alfred and Sarah is turning to vampires (when they are rolling around on the floor); I really like that they are not afraid of touching each other and they do not seem as frightened of body contact as in the German version. All this touching(!) really give a new dimension to the picture of a wild vampire. 
If I should mention something which I actually miss, it must be the blood. In my opinion they do not use blood enough. There is no blood at all in Carpe Noctem and I think it is a shame now when the musical is about vampires and they bite each other a lot in that specific scene (It works in the German production, so I do not know why they do not do in in this).
Also, I find the images projected on the screen, when changing the set, a little bit weird and off, but I somehow got used to them in my third show. 
The characters:
Firstly, then he whole cast are just great, and they are really good together. 
Krolock (Jyri Lahtinen): From the start, he already had it difficult, because I for a long time have had a favourite Krolock (the German actor Matthias Stockinger). But I was not disappointed of Jyris Krolock and I did not miss my German favourite Krolock (Sorry to all the Stocki-fans reading this, but Jyri really is good!)
I really enjoy Jyris portrayal. He does very well in showing the loneliness of the count and on the same time he pulls the macho and alpha male off very well. He is just pure evil!
Also, in the last scene of the first act (Vor dem Schloss) when he laughed, I got chills running down my spine. At that very moment, I was scared of him. 
Also, the Finnish Krolock (and to some extent Herbert) apparently have some sort of ju-ju power, which he use in the last scene of first act, where he mesmerise the professor and particularly Alfred. I find that very cool and it is a really nice detail which I never seen that clearly performed in the German production.
I find it interesting how Krolock “flies” down to Sarah at Einladung zum Ball, it looks really good and think it is better than how they do it in the German production.
On the top of that, I really like Juris singing as well! In Unstillbare Gier I got very emotional and I love the way in which the Count is portrayed here, so vulnerable when he is lying on the ground and singing.  
When he finally bites Sarah, I love how he first softly bite her ear and thereafter brutally bites her in the neck.
Alfred (Ville Salonen): What can I say? I really adore the Finnish Alfred and Villes portrayal of him. I have never seen an Alfred who is so much in love with Sarah. 
Alfred is young and not that experienced in life and maybe it do not always seems so, but Alfred do have a lot of courage even though he loses it sometimes. But he always pulls himself together again with the help of his love for Sarah and his admiration for the professor. 
Ville does a very good job by showing this and I really believe him and I could easily fall in love with Alfred (Well I could, if I in general did not like women more than men...)
In addition, I really enjoy listening to Villes singing, he is a very good singer and I had to smile the whole way through the song “Für Sarah” (in all three shows)
Not to talk about the way he also use his body language to express all the things and emotions which Alfred is going through (keeping his eyes closed tightly when there is something he do not like and the way he expresses pure excitement). 
To sum up, I found my favourite Alfred!
Professor (Esa Ahonen): This was a very pleasant surprise as well. 
Somehow Esas portrayal of the professor seems more real and less “senile” than the German version, without losing the fun parts and the comedy in the role. 
The professor and Alfred also had a very good chemistry and they work very well together! I really like the professor in Tanzsaal when he gets carried away with the dance or when he adores Krolock together with another ensemble member (By the way, it is hard not to be distracted when you see the professor in that dress. I simply love it!)
This professor is also quite different, much more robust and somehow stronger than the German counterpart which is always more thin and fragile, but I quickly got use to it. 
What I also like, is that the professor is still from Königsberg in this production and that he sometimes count in German (Like at the ball when the trio wants to escape). In my first show I was at first a bit confused, because I thought I understood the Finnish very clearly until I realised that he spoke German and not Finnish.
Again, the Finnish professor is very close to be my favourite Professor.
Sarah (Raili Raitala): The Finnish Sarah is a very independent woman with her own opinions, but still, she gets seduced by the mysterious Count von Krolock and I really like the Finnish Sarah (After I could abstract myself from the red wig, which I did not like). 
I am impressed by Railis portrayal of Sarah. It is very honest and one of the best I have seen so far. I really believe in this Sarah and I follow her through the struggle of leaving home, the interest in the young man Alfred and the attraction to Krolock.
Chagal (Heikki Vainionpää): I never really been a fan of Chagal and how he is portrayed in the German production, and unfortunately I am still not the biggest fan of this character. 
It is not due to the actor or his singing, it is more due to the fact that character of Chagal always has to overact and be extremely comedy-like. It works for some, but not for me. With that being said, I still think that Heikki did a good job!
Rebecca (Leena Rousti): See, this is how I always wanted the character of Rebecca. In the Finnish version she is not portrayed as a ugly woman, but instead as a strong women with a more healthy relationship to her husband. Here, both Chagal and Rebecca both seem to care for each other, even though that Chagal still runs after other women.
Moreover, I actually got quite emotional and really felt with Rebecca in the scenes where she first loses her daughter and then her husband. 
Magda (Anne Vihelä): I like the Finnish Magda and I was really impressed by her solo Tot zu sein ist komisch
Herbert (Jouko Enkelnotko): This is one of the most changed characters and what a change! 
It might come as a shock if you are used to the German Herbert to meet this very robust man all in pink and fluffy stuff such as fur and corset. But, I really adore the Finnish Herbert and I love Joukos portrayal of him. I especially like his solo Wenn Liebe in Dir ist.  
So, what is left to say than: I also found my favourite Herbert. 
Koukul (Antti Railio): He deserves some words of his own as well. Koukul is along with Herbert one of the most changed characters. From the hunchback in the German production to a stylish servant of the count. The size of Koukul is impressive as well, and his fur coat and his hat only make him even more huge. 
I also really like that Koukul in this production of the musical gets so sing, it works really well and I got a bit scared of him when he appeared in the scene of Carpe Nochtem with a whip to control the vampires.
Ensemble: I love the ensemble, they all did such a great job and it was a joy to see and hear them in action! If I could (and dared) I would have given them all a hug. Particularly, I love the ensemble in Tanzsaal where they interact so well with each other and the main characters and you never know where to look, because so much is happening. 
An example is how one of the ensemble members takes Sarahs dress in his mouth and crawl beside her when she is going towards Krolock. Also, when Krolock sings that Sarah is his all alone, I like how some of the ensemble members get angry and first gets calmed down when hearing that there is also something for them (At least if I understood the Finnish lyrics correct...)
I also love that the ensemble actually dares to really scare the audience and they do it in so many different ways. They are not afraid of scaring the audience and I love it!
I also noticed that in Finland, black is the colour if you are a vampire. At least all the vampires are dressed in black, besides Herbert and Krolock who have a bit of colour. I do miss some more colours, even though I found the costumes of the Finnish vampires really nice and beautiful. 
Last comments:
My dear reader, we have now almost reached the end of my review and I will refrain from making several hearts (you know, those smiley-hearts everyone makes on Facebook?), even though they would be a nice add to the illocutionary force which I am trying to convey here. 
So, what I want to say instead of bombarding you with sketchy smilies, is that I really enjoyed this musical and I am looking forward to see it again in the weekend of their last performances.
I also want to thank Olli-Matti Oinonen! Thank you so much!!!
Lastly, I want to thank all the nice (Finnish) people that I met during my stay. Thanks for making my stay in Seinäjoki even better, answering all my questions, the discussions, and to put up with my more or less non-existing Finnish knowledge and proficiency (Anteeksi, minä en puhun Suomea...)